Didn’t quite make it :(

Drowning Hopes

Here is the entire quilt I entered in Quilt National. It is called Drowning Liberty. The other day I got the dreaded “We had so many wonderful entries…” email. I usually don’t let rejections bother me but this one hurt because I was so sure I was going to get in. I’m trying to look at the bright side. Because it is not going to Quilt National, now I can enter it into other shows. I wasn’t sure I was going to have anything ready to enter QuiltCon, which has a deadline of October 31st, but now I do. This quilt is not exactly the type of quilt that QuiltCon likes but we will see… That’s the life of an artist/competitive quilter. You go from rejection to rejection with some victories sprinkled here and there. Why do I do it? I cannot not do it.


Cursing Neptune


What have I been working on…