
  • My Life in Quilts

    How I got from Puerto Rico to award-winning modern quilt artist? In this lecture I give an overview of my life. How I got to where I am now and what's coming up in my art life. I'll show many of my quilts and the most important events in my art career.

  • Architecture in Quilts

    I have been making architecture quilts for over 15 years and exhibited them nationally. This lecture goes over my architectural quilts and how I make them. I'll show you my process in detail with many behind the scenes photos. I design and construct my quilts using foundation paper piecing and there my be a few tricks you can use in your own quilts.

  • Statues & Monuments

    AVAILABLE AFTER JUNE 2025! I'm starting a new series and this lecture shows the process of moving from initial idea, to researching the idea, design and finally the construction of the final quilts. Many techniques are used in the construction of these quilts from piecing, applique, foundation paper piecing, and various types of embellishments. There is something for everyone.

Artificial Intelligent Art Quilt

Artificial Intelligent Art Quilt

AI and Quilts

AI & Quilts

Quilt Robot

Virtual Lecture by Aynex Mercado

What's AI? How can I use it? Why do I want to use it? Is it going to kill us? Can it quilt my quilt? Get all your questions answered on this virtual lecture.

This virtual lecture will be a combination of live presentation, slides and a demonstration on using different AI image generators. There will be time for questions after the lecture.

If you are interested in offering any of these lectures to your group, send me a message. My fee is $400 per 1 hour lecture and they can be offered virtually or in person within 50 miles of Frederick, MD.